Sunday, January 02, 2011

33 Things #2: Bellevue Botanical Gardens at Christmas

I never got around to seeing the Christmas Lights at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens last year, so I figured I might as well put it on my 33 Things list to encourage me to go this year.  December was winding down, and so I convinced Jessica & Nilufer to come with me.  Of course it felt like we chose to go on the coldest night of the year!!  My fingers were freezing!  Guess I need to invest in some good gloves.  But the lights were beautiful and worth the cold fingers & toes.  I'm a sucker for Christmas lights, or really most things Christmas.

P.S. Don't forget to check out my giveaway!

1 comment:

Fruit Fly said...

Oh my gosh WOW!! Those lights are so cool! I thought the ones we had down here were neat, but that display blows them away!