Friday, January 07, 2011

Five Senses Friday

So it's that time again, time to close out last year.  Which means I'll be seeing a lot of my desk!

  • Frost to start the week, but now rain, rain and more rain.  But I'm not complaining.  Rain is definitely better than frost & snow!
  • You'll get what you get and you won't throw a fit.  Yes, there is a story behind this, but I really can't remember it right now...but it has become somewhat of a catch phrase! 
  • Pizza
  • Fig Newtons and I'm hoping to get some goldfish and princess snacks later. 
  • Definitely on the tired side.  Plus I can't seem to shake this cold!
Want more Five Senses?  Check out Mandi's!


Fruit Fly said...

Pizza .... mmmmm!!!
But then Fig Newtons sound yummy, too!
And tired .... I am about to fall asleep at my desk!

Savannah said...

I haven't had fig newton's in years- they sound really good! I think I may prefer snow to rain - no muddy doggy feet if everything is frozen!