Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Isn't it funny?  I caught What A Girl Wants on TV and even though I've watched this movie numerous times and own it even, I still watched it on regular TV, commercials and all.  What can I say?  I'm a sucker for all things British, Colin Firth, and cute stories. 

You know, when my church first started having Saturday night services I wasn't too sure.  But when it means I can sleep in on Sunday?  Maybe this isn't such a bad thing.  Except you know that it points out my lack of social life on Saturday night! :)  So anyway, I slept in today, which I rarely do. 

What else did I do on my lazy Sunday?  I did get an oil change.  But after that, I (finally) finished up the Rome portion of my Italy trip, caught up on Castle, backed up some of my pictures and started looking for a recipe for January.  All from the comfort of my chair, with my knee up on a pillow and an ice pack.

I'm not sure where January went, but here we are near the end and I haven't made a recipe for January.  This was definitely a "stretch" goal on my 33 Things list as Emily and kitchen do not necessarily go together.  I've been scouring different websites to see what exciting recipes are out there.  There are a lot out there.  Maybe something with squash or quinoa or eggplant?  I still have a few more days before picking the perfect January recipe to get me one step closer to fulfilling #1 on my 33 Things list.

Anyone got a favorite (but easy) recipe for me to make?


Fruit Fly said...

Your Sunday sounds fabulous! If I went to church like a good girl, I'd opt for Saturday night too if it meant I could sleep in or stay in my jammies all day on Sunday!

I always watch Goonies and Titanic when they are on TV, even though I own both of them on DVD (more than one copy of each, which is pretty sad. I did part with my VHS copies at least)!

My mom has a yummy tortellini casserole that is super easy to cook. If you want the recipe I can send it to you! I like to tweak it and subtract peppers & mushrooms and up the amount of olives. I've added artichoke to it before, too, and that was yummy!

Emily said...

Ha! I'm a sucker for the Goonies & Titanic as well. Yes, please! If you don't mind emailing I'd love to add that recipe to my files.