Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snobby Joes in the House

I'm usually on the lookout for a good recipe, especially since I came up with the goal of cooking once a month as part of my 33 Things list.  I first saw this recipe at Travel Eat Repeat and was intrigued and put it in my memory bank.  And as usual lately, I realized it was quickly coming up upon the end of the month so time to try another recipe.  I remembered this had caught my eye and did some searching to find an "actual" recipe.  Plus I just like the name Snobby Joes.  The lentils and I had a little bit of trouble coming to an understanding, but once I finally moved the pot to the bigger burner, we seemed to do much, much better.  And the result was delicious!!  This is one recipe I will make again (and again).    Only 3 more recipes to try!

1 comment:

Fruit Fly said...

This is interesting. I'm not sure if I'd be brave enough to try or not -- but that's just 'cause it isn't a grilled cheese sandwich. I love the name though!