Friday, August 05, 2011

Five Senses Friday

  • Blue Angels!!  It must be Seafair!


  • Double Caramel Magnum goodness!!  My treat for 9 miles.  Bad, bad idea.  Now I know how yummy they are.

  • Mommy deer and a baby deer (Bambi!!)

  • I'm not feeling as much pain in my knee!!  Yay!

  • Tiger Balm

Want more Five Senses?  Check out No Apathy Allowed and Abby Try Again.

    1 comment:

    Fruit Fly said...

    Awww, mommies and babies. I just love seeing deer. They hang out at my mom's house on the river under her apple tree. They don't even mind us much anymore, which is nice. I always try to be Snow White and get them to come up to me. Never works.