Monday, November 01, 2010

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself

Happy November!  I don't know where this year has gone.  Or where October went for that matter.  I learned that November is national blog posting month (or NaBloPoMo), which is just like it sounds - posting every day for a month.  In that vein, In the Violet Hour is doing a 30 Days of Truth, I don't know if challenge is exactly the right word, but it's what I'm going with.  While I won't be posting every day, I might join in on a few prompts.  Like today's prompt!

Okay, something I hate about myself.  This could get really negative, really fast, because there are lots of things I don't like about myself.  So I'm going to copy Mandi's idea and instead focus on something I would change about myself.

I wish I wasn't so critical of myself.  And I don't need to compare myself to anyone else.  Everyone is different, and they have taken different paths.  It doesn't mean their path is the right one (just as my path isn't necessarily right for someone else).  If I try my best at something, I don't need to compare it to someone else to see if I measure up.  Their fill-in-the-blank is so much better than mine.  No - if I did my best, and as long as I know I did what I could, it is okay.  Even if it isn't perfect.  It is okay to be me.

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